Topical Index – 1500 Principles

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Exodus; Principle #40; Ex. 40:34-38; p. 129
The Holy Scriptures: In our spiritual journey, we are to follow God's path that He has clearly revealed in the Holy Spirit.

Numbers; Principle #1; Num. 1:1-2; p. 168
Hearing God's Word: Since God still speaks today through the authors of Scripture, we should devote ourselves to studying the Word of God in order to discern His will for our lives.

Deuteronomy; Principle #28; Deut. 27:1-8; p. 252
God's Inscribed Word: To live in God's will, we are to study and review the Scriptures.

2 Chronicles; Principle #35; 2 Ch. 34:8-35:27; p. 587
Response to God's Word: When Scripture confronts sin in our lives, we should allow God's Spirit to convict us, humble us, and redirect our lives into His will.

Ezra; Principle #2; Ezr. 1:5-11; p. 594
Living by the Spirit: To carry out God's purposes in the world, we must keep our thoughts and desires in harmony with His revealed will in the Holy Scriptures.

Ezra; Principle #9; Ezr. 6:16-22; p. 601
Our Divine Source: To please God on a consistent basis, we must be committed to living in God's will as recorded in the Holy Scriptures.

Psalm; Principle #82; Ps 86; p. 771
Discovering God's Ways: To discover God's will for our lives, we should read and study God's Word regularly.

Psalm; Principle #117; Ps 119:105-112; p. 803
Wisdom from Above: We should consult the Word of God for perspective and guidance in all aspects of our lives.

Proverbs; Principle #8; Prov. 3:1-6; p. 836
Heart Knowledge: To walk in God's will, we must allow His Word to penetrate our innermost being.

Isaiah; Principle #1; Isa. 1:1-2; p. 909
God's Inspired Revelation: Since God has spoken through the written Scriptures, we should study the inspired Word of God carefully in order to understand and live in God's will.

Romans; Principle #11; Rom 6:15-23; p. 1542
The Apostles' Teaching: To walk in God's will, we are to obey the pattern of teaching recorded in the Scriptures.

2 Peter; Principle #3; 2 Pet. 1:16-21; p. 1753
The Word of God: Our basic criteria for discerning God's will must be grounded on God's truth as revealed by the Holy Spirit and recorded in Scripture.

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