Help Gene distribute 50,000 copies of his new Spanish Bible!
Latino churches are bursting with new members, yet many Hispanic pastors and leaders lack biblical resources and training. Many cannot afford to invest in theological education.
This is why Gene's desire is to provide a copy of Biblia QR to as many Spanish speaking people as possible.
So instead of receiving personal gifts at his birthday celebration, Gene is requesting you consider donating to the Biblia QR fund.
Plans for printing and distributing 50,000 copies have already begun. Your generous gift makes it possible to provide gift copies to those who can’t afford it.
Get an exclusive preview of Gene's latest ministry project, Biblia QR Principios Para Vivir! This unique Bible takes the innovative and easy to understand biblical principles and videos of the Life Essentials Study Bible to the Spanish speaking world, which is one of the fastest growing segments of today's church.

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