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2 Kings; Principle #1; 2 Kg. 1:1-18; p. 473
God's Persistent Love: No matter how sinful and rebellious people become, we are to continue to communicate the message of God's grace and forgiveness.

2 Kings; Principle #2; 2 Kg. 2:1-6; p. 474
Steadfast Devotion: Just as the Lord has promised never to leave or forsake His children, so we are to be loyal to one another.

2 Kings; Principle #3; 2 Kg. 2:7-12; p. 474
Prayer for Power: When we experience unusual challenges, we should ask God for supernatural help and strength.

2 Kings; Principle #4; 2 Kg. 2:13-15; p. 475
God's Miraculous Verification: When we feel intimidated and overwhelmed, we are to trust God to empower us with His Spirit.

2 Kings; Principle #5; 2 Kg. 2:19-22; p. 476
Glorifying God: Whatever success we experience in life, we are to always glorify God, not ourselves.

2 Kings; Principle #6; 2 Kg. 3:4-20; p. 477
Supernatural Intervention: Even though we may face circumstances that seem impossible to change, we are always to remember that God is able to circumvent natural laws.

2 Kings; Principle #7; 2 Kg. 4:1-44; p. 478
A Man of God: When reflecting on these miracles performed by Elisha, we must remember that he was a man of God, not the Son of God.

2 Kings; Principle #8; 2 Kg. 5:1-19; p. 479
The Gift of Life: When sharing the gospel, we should do all we can to help unsaved people understand that salvation is a free gift and cannot be earned.

2 Kings; Principle #9; 2 Kg. 5:19-27; p. 480
Accountability before God: We must understand that the more we know about God's grace, holiness, and power, the more we are accountable for our sinful attitudes and actions.

2 Kings; Principle #10; 2 Kg. 6:1-7; p. 481
God's Loving Care: We should feel free to seek God's supernatural help, no matter how simple our needs may be.

2 Kings; Principle #11; 2 Kg. 6:8-23; p. 482
The Invisible World: Though most of us will never see the unseen world of good and evil, we are to believe that it exists and that we can be victorious in our spiritual battles.

2 Kings; Principle #12; 2 Kg. 6:24-7:20; p. 483
Strength in Weakness: Even though we may feel weak and unworthy, we should be available for God to use us in miraculous ways to achieve His purposes in this world.

2 Kings; Principle #13; 2 Kg. 8:16-18; p. 484
Marital Influence: When choosing a life mate, men and women should carefully consider whether that person is committed to walking in the will of God.

2 Kings; Principle #14; 2 Kg. 8:25-29; p. 485
Family Nurture: Local churches should provide spiritual nurture and support for members of unbelieving families.

2 Kings; Principle #15; 2 Kg. 9:30-37; p. 487
God's Justice: In view of God's coming judgment on unrepentant people, we should be more committed to sharing the gospel of God's grace and forgiveness through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

2 Kings; Principle #16; 2 Kg. 10:1-36; p. 488
Eternal Rewards: We are to serve God wholeheartedly, realizing that as believers we will all appear before the judgment seat of Christ.

2 Kings; Principle #17; 2 Ch 24:17; p. 490
Finishing Well: To finish our spiritual journey well, we should maintain proper relationships with mature Christians who will help us keep our focus on the Lord Jesus Christ.

2 Kings; Principle #18; 2 Kg. 13:1-25; p. 491
God's Redemptive Plan: When we present the gospel message, we should remember we are participating in a great redemptive plan that was in the mind of God before He created the world.

2 Kings; Principle #19; 2 Kg. 14:1-17:23; p. 495
Eternal Rewards: Though our salvation is secure in Christ, we must understand that our eternal rewards will be based on our obedience.

2 Kings; Principle #20; 2 Kg. 18:1-37; p. 497
Walking Worthy: No matter how sinful the environment in which we live, we are to trust God to provide the inner resources to walk worthy of our calling in Jesus Christ.

2 Kings; Principle #21; 2 Kg. 19:1-20:11; p. 500
Marks of Humility: To walk worthy of our calling in Christ, we are to demonstrate an attitude of humility toward God and one another.

2 Kings; Principle #22; 2 Kg. 20:12-21; p. 500
A Strength Becomes a Weakness: We must be cautious that our greatest strength does not become our greatest weakness.

2 Kings; Principle #23; 2 Kg. 21:1-18; p. 501
Godly Parenting: Parents should do all they can to model and teach Christian values to their children, but they must also understand that being godly is no guarantee that their children will always do what is right in God's sight.

2 Kings; Principle #24; 2 Kg. 21:19-22:13; p. 502
Parental Values: In spite of parents and grandparents who have modeled ungodliness, we are to reject non-biblical values and follow God wholeheartedly.

2 Kings; Principle #25; 2 Kg. 22:14-23:30; p. 504
Biblical Renewal: God wants to use us to renew the church of Jesus Christ by allowing His Word to transform our lives.

2 Kings; Principle #26; 2 Kg. 23:31-25:30; p. 507
God's Grace and Mercy: We must never take credit for the gift of salvation we have received through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
