Topical Index – 1500 Principles

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Exodus; Principle #30; Ex. 28:1-43; p. 113
Reflecting Jesus Christ: As local churches, we are to reflect the beauty, glory, and holiness of the Lord Jesus Christ by manifesting the fruit of the Spirit in all of our relationships.

Judges; Principle #14; Judg. 7:1-23; p. 313
Quality versus Quantity: In measuring success and doing God's work, we are to focus on quality rather than quantity.

Jeremiah; Principle #35; Jer. 31:35-33:18; p. 1034
Reflecting Christ's Righteousness: As God's holy nation, we are to reflect more and more the righteous life of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Ezekiel; Principle #10; Ezk. 11:22-25; p. 1084
Idolatrous Activities: We are to keep idolatry from becoming a part of our lives, so that God does not remove His presence and power from our churches.

Ezekiel; Principle #15; Ezk. 16:1-63; p. 1091
Christ's Bride: As a church, we are to be transformed into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, reflecting more and more the fruit of the Holy Spirit in all of our relationships.

Hosea; Principle #5; Hos. 6:4-7:16; p. 1169
Becoming Like Christ: We are to be progressively transformed into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, not conformed to this world.

Mark; Principle #22; Mk. 11:12-21; p. 1362
Bearing Fruit: We are to do all we can to develop churches that manifest the fruit of the Spirit.

Mark; Principle #23; Mk. 11:22-26; p. 1363
Becoming a Healthy Church: To become the church God intends us to be, we must develop our faith, be devoted to prayer, and live in harmony with one another.

1 Corinthians; Principle #7; 1 Cor. 3:1-4; p. 1570
Becoming Like Christ: As Christ-followers, we should become mature and follow His example in all of our relationships within the church.

1 Corinthians; Principle #25; 1 Cor. 12:1-26; p. 1584
Unity in Christ: As members of local churches, we should be committed to manifesting the fruit of the Holy Spirit and becoming unified in Christ.

2 Corinthians; Principle #12; 2 Cor. 8:1-7; p. 1602
Models of Generosity: All local communities of faith are to be models of generosity to other churches.

Colossians; Principle #2; Col. 1:3-8; p. 1649
Reflections of Maturity: Spiritual leaders? primary goal should always be to produce local churches that reflect faith, hope, and love.

1 Thessalonians; Principle #1; 1 Th. 1:2-10; p. 1659
Models of Maturity: As local churches, we are to become models of faith, hope, and love to other communities of faith.

1 Timothy; Principle #1; 1 Tim. 1:3-7; p. 1673
Doctrinal Purity: To maintain doctrinal purity in the church, we must appoint leaders who are spiritually mature.

1 Peter; Principle #5; 1 Pet. 2:9-12; p. 1744
A Holy People: To be God's witness in this world, local churches must function as dynamic, transformed communities that reflect God's holiness.

Revelation; Principle #9; Rev. 3:14-22; p. 1788
Receiving Christ: To become authentic communities of faith, we must receive the Lord Jesus Christ and allow Him to take control of our hearts and lives.

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