Topical Index – 1500 Principles

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Isaiah; Principle #25; Isa. 35:1-10; p. 945
Supernatural Restoration: Though there is some marvelous restoration in the land of Israel today, we must be cautious in equating this human effort with God's miraculous restoration when Jesus Christ returns to earth.

Isaiah; Principle #35; Isa. 46:1-48:22; p. 962
Godly Living: We should study and teach biblical prophecy in order to help all believers live in the will of God.

Isaiah; Principle #43; Isa. 60:1-24; p. 975
God's Prophetic Plan: In interpreting prophecy, we must remember that no single author of Scripture had a complete and definitive understanding of all aspects of God's overall plan from eternity to eternity.

Jeremiah; Principle #42; Jer. 46:1-49:39; p. 1050
Prophetic Fulfillment: We should use fulfilled prophecy as a powerful means to demonstrate that the message of the Bible is true and trustworthy.

Daniel; Principle #10; Dan. 7:1-28; p. 1151
Fulfilled Prophecy: We should become aware of those prophetic details that have not been fulfilled so we can be alert to how they may correlate with what is happening in the world today.

Daniel; Principle #17; Dan. 11:1-35; p. 1158
Prophetic History: We must understand that the Holy Spirit at times inspired prophets to record prophetic history that has been fulfilled before our time so that we will take seriously future events that are still to be fulfilled.

John; Principle #36; Jn. 19:28-37; p. 1472
Fulfilled Prophecies: When sharing evidence that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, we should be prepared to review some of the many ways in which His life on earth fulfilled a number of Old Testament prophecies.

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