Topical Index – 1500 Principles

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Genesis; Principle #4; Gen 3:1-7; p. 7
Satan's Tactics: Since Satans goal is to deceive us, we should consistently focus on God's truthful message in His Word.

Deuteronomy; Principle #19; Deut. 13:1-5; p. 239
Victory in Christ: Even though God may allow Satan to test our love for Him, we can be victorious other evil.

1 Samuel; Principle #30; 1 Sm. 17:38-47; p. 373
Honoring God: When Satan and his evil forces a ack us, one of our major goals should be to uphold God?s reputation.

1 Kings; Principle #11; 1 Kg. 8:54-66; p. 443
Standing Firm: Even though we may be sincere followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we must be on guard against Satan's efforts to lead us into sinful disobedience.

1 Chronicles; Principle #4; 1 Ch. 5:18-22; p. 517
Spiritual Warfare: To be successful in our spiritual battles with Satan, we must put on the full armor of God, which includes prayer.

Ezra; Principle #8; Ezr. 5:6-6:15; p. 600
Satan's Strategies: We are to trust God and take proactive steps to defeat Satan's evil strategies.

Nehemiah; Principle #6; Neh. 4:1-6; p. 616
Overcoming Opposition: When we are successful in doing God's work, we should expect opposition and take steps to defeat Satan.

Nehemiah; Principle #8; Neh. 4:15-23; p. 617
The Power of Unity: In our battle against Satan, we are to do all we can to create a spirit of unity and oneness among God's people.

Psalm; Principle #44; Ps 46; p. 736
A Mighty Fortress: When we are engaged in difficult circumstances and struggles, we are to be assured that someday we will dwell safely in a heavenly city that will never be destroyed.

Psalm; Principle #128; Ps 124; p. 809
God's Strength: As we continue our spiritual journey, we must look to God to sustain us and to protect us from Satan and his evil cohorts.

Daniel; Principle #16; Dan. 10:12-21; p. 1157
The Armor of God: We are to clothe ourselves with God's armor consistently so we can defeat Satan and his emissaries when they attack us in various ways.

2 Corinthians; Principle #18; 2 Cor. 11:1-15; p. 1606
Defeating Satan: We should be alert to Satan's continual evil efforts to destroy local churches and other Christian ministries.

Revelation; Principle #20; Rev. 9:13-21; p. 1797
The Armor of God: As believers living today, we must use God's armor to defeat Satan and his evil associates when they attack us in various ways.

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