Topical Index – 1500 Principles

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Exodus; Principle #38; Ex. 35:30-35; p. 123
Gifts of the Holy Spirit: As members of God's spiritual family, we are to use our talents and abilities to build up one another and become a living sanctuary.

2 Kings; Principle #4; 2 Kg. 2:13-15; p. 475
God's Miraculous Verification: When we feel intimidated and overwhelmed, we are to trust God to empower us with His Spirit.

Psalm; Principle #90; Ps 94; p. 778
Walking in the Will of God: Since God knows our every thought, word, and deed, we should seek to live in God's will every moment of every day.

Psalm; Principle #109; Ps 119:17-24; p. 798
Illumination and Discernment: To clearly understand the Word of God, we are to rely on the divine Author, the Holy Spirit, to illumine our minds and hearts.

Psalm; Principle #145; Ps 143; p. 821
A Prayer for Insight: When we worship God, we should ask the Holy Spirit to open our hearts to the Word of God so we'll clearly understand His will for our lives.

Isaiah; Principle #28; Isa. 40:9-31; p. 951
Supernatural Enablement: We are to draw continually on God's supernatural strength and power to enable us to walk worthy of our great calling in Christ.

Daniel; Principle #15; Dan. 10:1-11; p. 1156
Strength in Weakness: When we feel the most inadequate we should consider it an opportunity to experience God's supernatural enablement.

John; Principle #29; Jn. 14:15-26; p. 1463
The Spirit of Truth: We are to consult God's written Word regularly, asking the Holy Spirit to illuminate our minds to understand and apply scriptural truth.

John; Principle #30; Jn. 15:1-17; p. 1465
God's Sustaining Strength: To love one another as Jesus has loved us, we must draw supernatural strength from the indwelling Spirit of Christ.

Acts; Principle #15; Acts 8:9-25; p. 1494
Authentic Conversion: Though people can only respond to the gospel with sincerity when the Holy Spirit opens their hearts, we should do all we can to help them respond with pure motives.

Romans; Principle #14; Rom 8:1-17; p. 1545
The Indwelling Spirit: When we face temptations to violate God's will, we are to draw on the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit to enable us to be victorious over sin.

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