Topical Index – 1500 Principles

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1 Samuel; Principle #40; 1 Sm. 25:1-44; p. 384
Personal Confrontation: When we see a fellow Christian about to walk out of the will of God, we should be willing to confront that person humbly and sensitively.

Nehemiah; Principle #9; Neh. 5:1-13; p. 618
Internal Conflicts: Spiritual leaders should always be concerned about internal conflicts and confront the issues appropriately.

Nehemiah; Principle #19; Neh. 13:1-31; p. 632
Confronting Carnal Leaders: Spiritual leaders are to courageously confront sinful behavior when fellow leaders are causing God's people to stumble.

Matthew; Principle #17; Mt. 7:1-6; p. 1295
Judgmental Hypocrisy: When we confront fellow believers because of sin in their lives, we are to make sure we have dealt properly with our own sin.

2 Corinthians; Principle #4; 2 Cor. 2:5-11; p. 1596
Spiritual Restoration: When we confront sin in the life of a fellow Christian, our primary goal should always be repentance and restoration.

Galatians; Principle #12; Gal. 6:11-18; p. 1621
Pure Motives in Ministry: To counter false teaching in the church, we must keep our motives pure.

1 Timothy; Principle #8; 1 Tim. 4:1-5; p. 1678
False Doctrine: When confronting false teachers, we should be specific regarding what makes their doctrine untrue.

2 Timothy; Principle #7; 2 Tim. 2:22-26; p. 1687
Able to Teach: When interacting with false teachers, we should initially respond with sincere patience and gentleness.

Titus; Principle #4; Ti. 1:10-16; p. 1695
Bold Confrontation: Spiritual leaders should confront false teachers with patience and gentleness, but when there is no positive response, they are to take more direct and decisive action.

Jude; Principle #1; Jd. 1-4; p. 1777
Love that Confronts: Though it is easier and more enjoyable to give positive feedback to our fellow Christians, there are times when we must address difficult and painful situations very directly.

Jude; Principle #2; Jd. 20-23; p. 1778
Love that Acts: To demonstrate tough love we must take action on what we know is true.

Revelation; Principle #6; Rev. 2:18-29; p. 1785
Church Discipline: Spiritual leaders are responsible to confront false prophets who lead people astray.

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