Topical Index – 1500 Principles

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Exodus; Principle #20; Ex. 18:1-12; p. 100
Witnessing to Unsaved Family Members: To be an effective Christian witness to unsaved relatives, we are to live consistent Christian lives.

Exodus; Principle #28; Ex. 23:20-33; p. 108
A Holy Witness: We are to be God's witnesses in this world without becoming a part of the world.

Joshua; Principle #11; Josh. 6:1-27; p. 276
God's Patience: We should let people know that Jesus Christ has delayed His second coming and the judgment to follow so that people will have an opportunity to repent and be saved.

Judges; Principle #20; Judg. 19:1-30; p. 327
Addressing Evil: As followers of Jesus Christ, we are to confront evil but always in biblical ways.

Ruth; Principle #6; Ruth 2:4-23; p. 337
A Godly Businessman: Regardless of the godless values that permeate the secular community, we are to continue to practice biblical values in all of our relationships.

Ezra; Principle #4; Ezr. 3:1-7; p. 596
Boldness in Worship and Witness: Though we are to be wise in the way we relate to those who are unbelievers, we should also be bold in our worship and witness for Jesus Christ.

Psalm; Principle #62; Ps 66; p. 752
Witnessing through Praise: We are to be ready to share with others what God has done for us through our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Ezekiel; Principle #3; Ezk. 2:1-7; p. 1075
Persistent Preaching: Pastors and teachers are to be faithful in telling all people know that Jesus Christ died to deliver us from God's judgment on sin.

Daniel; Principle #9; Dan. 6:1-24; p. 1149
Living without Compromise: We are to practice our faith boldly, but with wisdom, discretion, and humility.

Zephaniah; Principle #2; Zph. 1:3-2:3; p. 1244
Judgment with Compassion: When we speak of God's coming judgment, our primary purpose should always be to encourage unrepentant people to come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior.

Mark; Principle #9; Mk. 5:1-20; p. 1349
Sharing Christ's Love: When we experience deliverance from the penalty of sin, we are to openly share our experiences with family and friends.

Luke; Principle #47; Lk. 22:21-27; p. 1424
Reflecting Unity: When we remember and proclaim Jesus' death with a communion meal, we are to be committed to creating unity in the church.

John; Principle #37; Jn. 19:38-42; p. 1472
Urgency with Patience: When sharing the message about the Lord Jesus Christ, we should allow unbelievers time to process and respond to what they have heard.

1 Thessalonians; Principle #5; 1 Th. 2:17-3:10; p. 1612
Follow-up Communication: Spiritual leaders should develop a plan to be in contact with new converts to make sure they are growing spiritually.

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