Topical Index – 1500 Principles

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Exodus; Principle #24; Ex. 18:24-27; p. 102
Being Teachable: To be effective, leaders must continue to be learners themselves.

Leviticus; Principle #15; Lev. 21:1-22:9; p. 156
Qualifications for Leadership: When we select leaders for the church, we are to focus on the internal spiritual qualities.

Numbers; Principle #4; Num. 3:1-13; p. 171
Spiritual Leadership: To carry out God's work in the world, we should appoint qualified spiritual leaders.

1 Samuel; Principle #5; 1 Sm. 2:12-26; p. 349
A Biblical Profile: When we select and appoint spiritual leaders, we are to use a biblical profile of maturity.

1 Samuel; Principle #26; 1 Sm. 16:1-13; p. 369
Determining Heart Attitudes: When we select leaders, we are to use biblical criteria that measure internal Christlike qualities.

1 Chronicles; Principle #15; 1 Ch. 22:1-19; p. 535
A Non-Threatened Heart: Godly leaders should put others first, even if it means giving up the desires of their own hearts.

Isaiah; Principle #22; Isa. 29:1-30:17; p. 940
Willing Obedience: Spiritual leaders should be willing and eager to lead God's people with total integrity.

Micah; Principle #3; Mic. 2:1-3:8; p. 1217
Leadership Integrity: Spiritual leaders must never compromise God's message in order to appease people or to seek material gain.

Zechariah; Principle #9; Zch. 9:16-11:17; p. 1266
Good Shepherds: Though Jesus Christ will someday be the Shepherd-King over Israel, as spiritual leaders in the church we are to follow His example as shepherd-servants.

Luke; Principle #45; Lk. 22:1-6; p. 1423
Spiritual Qualifications: When selecting key leaders in the church, we must take seriously the qualifications outlined in Scripture.

Acts; Principle #2; Acts 1:12-26; p. 1481
Selecting Spiritual Leaders: Spiritual qualifications that reflect godly character are to be used when appointing spiritual leaders.

Acts; Principle #7; Acts 4:13-22; p. 1486
Openness and Honesty: Spiritual leaders must never suppress the truth in order to protect their own religious domain.

Acts; Principle #30; Acts 16:1-5; p. 1508
A Good Reputation: When we are selecting spiritual leaders, we should look for individuals whom people trust.

1 Timothy; Principle #6; 1 Tim. 3:1-7; p. 1676
A Profile for Christian Maturity: Leaders who are appointed to serve in shepherding roles in the church are to be selected based on a comprehensive biblical criteria for measuring Christian maturity.

1 Timothy; Principle #14; 1 Tim. 6:3-10; p. 1681
Materialistic Motivation: Christian leaders in particular must be on guard against the temptation to be motivated by materialistic interests.

Titus; Principle #2; Ti. 1:5-6; p. 1693
Interpreting Scripture Accurately: When using the qualities Paul outlined for selecting leaders, we must be sure to define and interpret each quality accurately.

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