Topical Index – 1500 Principles

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Genesis; Principle #7; Gen 4:1-8; p. 9
Sinful Anger: We must not allow the God-created emotion of anger to become sinful

2 Samuel; Principle #13; 2 Sm. 13:20-33; p. 408
Sinful Anger: We are not to harbor intense anger and hatred in our hearts since it can lead to terrible acts of sin.

Psalm; Principle #50; Ps 52; p. 742
A Wicked Tongue: We should always use words to help people, not to hurt them.

Proverbs; Principle #27; Prov. 14:29; p. 854
Mature Perceptions: To keep anger from being sinful, we must more and more develop our knowledge and understanding of ourselves and others.

Romans; Principle #24; Rom 12:17-21; p. 1553
Avoiding Vengeance: To live in God's will, we are to demonstrate Christlike love to our enemies.

James; Principle #8; Jms. 3:1-12; p. 1733
Sinful Anger: To keep our words from becoming destructive, we must be able to control what we say.

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