The Foundation of Every Blessing

unnamedIn a recent interview on Fox News Sunday Kelly Shackelford—Founder and President of Liberty Institute and friend of our ministry—made the point that the elimination of slavery and the blessing of our anti-discrimination laws both have their origins in Christian efforts. Likewise, major advances in our history and culture such as our independence from English oppression, the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution and the abolition of slavery are grounded and rooted in Christianity. In essence, they are grounded and rooted in the Bible!



In his book What’s So Great About Christianity, Dinesh D’Souza also describes how numerous advances in culture and society have come from the world of Christianity. Many of the greatest leaders throughout history were devout believers in God, Jesus Christ, and the teachings of Bible. While they understood that the Bible was never intended to address every aspect of life in detail, they believed that it is the foundation of all truth and knowledge.   As “the pillar and foundation of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15) they also looked to the Church for guidance.



Think about it!  Is there any aspect of life that the Bible doesn’t address to a greater or lesser extent? If so, doesn’t it make sense to establish God’s Word as the basis of all our activities? As David wrote, “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path” (Psalm 119:105).  David’s words are at the heart of Principle #117 in Psalms (p. 803 in the Life Essentials Study Bible):



We should consult the Word of God for perspective and guidance in all aspects of our lives. A biblical worldview evaluates everything from God’s viewpoint as revealed in Scripture. The Bible doesn’t give us answers to specific questions, such as: What job should I take? Whom should I marry? Where will I live? However, it gives us wisdom that will help us make decisions that will be in harmony with His will for our lives.



Furthermore, we can be absolutely confident in its reliability and integrity because Jesus said “the Scripture cannot be broken” (John 10:35).



These words help strengthen my sense of purpose which is to reach as many people as possible around the world with the Word of God. It is a high and noble purpose. Please consider joining hands with me in my efforts.

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