“A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”

As many of you may remember, we’ve shared a vision with HACGM (High Adventure Communication Gospel Mission) in building the Life Essentials Training Center in Uganda, Africa. Here is an update.
Since 2018, we’ve been able to send thousands of Bibles to be used in the Center to equip church leaders for a teaching ministry.
This has happened, thanks to faithful donors, who have supported this ministry prayerfully—and financially.
Students enjoy great meals during their three-day stay.  The center includes an up-to-date facility for training plus 5 motel units for housing multiple church leaders.

“Every church leader receives a free copy of the Life Essentials Study Bible which they may never afford otherwise.”

Please continue to pray for this outreach—which is now reaching out to other African countries. And also, pray that God will continue to raise up additional donors who will join us in this strategic ministry—not only in Africa but in a number of other continents around the world.
If “a picture is worth a thousand words,” this month’s report is equal to 35,000 words!

In the words of the Apostle Paul to the Philippians, thanks for your “partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” Phil 1:5
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