The Biggest Mistake

The Biggest Mistake In a recent Internet article, billionaire businessman Tilman J. Fertitta attributed his success in business to perseverance. He acknowledged that his path to success included a number of mistakes and the temptation to give up. He then concluded the article with this thought: “The biggest mistake that people make is they give up too soon, and they … Read More

The Ultimate Goal of a Christian

Here’s a great challenge—and great goal! It’s to keep our minds and hearts focused on Jesus Christ!   Consider the following series of scriptures:   When I came to you, brothers, announcing the testimony of God to you . . . . I didn’t think it was a good idea to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him … Read More

Is Heaven an Eternal Retirement or a New Beginning?

From the beginning of the creation, God had a purpose – a master plan – in mind.  We see evidence in the creation as well as in the Scriptures that God is purposeful in everything He does.   When God created Adam and Eve, He instructed them to manage and maintain the Garden. Had they not sinned, they would have … Read More

Preserving the Truth through Future Generations


  One of the principles we covered at last Wednesday’s study of the book of Joel highlighted the fact that perhaps the most important key to preserving God’s truth is to share it with the next (or younger) generation—those who are destined to become adults in the next few years. Moses also wrote:   Only be on your guard and … Read More

What is the Most Common Sin?


Have you noticed how as a nation we have departed from the purpose of our Thanksgiving holiday—to say thanks! Thanksgiving day comes at the end of the year. As we reflect back, it provides us with a wonderful opportunity to focus on God’s goodness. In my Life Essentials Study Bible, I share a Bible principle from the life of David: … Read More

Should Christians Vote?

Elections Ahead Sign - Bible Principles

During my daily commute to and from work the past few weeks, I have been struck by the sheer numbers of election posters at virtually every major intersection.  Frankly, they remind me how blessed we are to live in America.  Just think how few people over the entire course of history—from the time of Adam—have had the opportunity to choose … Read More

A bit about our ministry

Gene Getz’s daily broadcast ministry, “Bible Principles,” is a daily two-minute broadcast heard through out the United States and soon internationally. Each program focuses on one of the 1500 Principles that Dr. Getz has outlined in the Life Essentials Study Bible. We are a listener-supported faith ministry seeking to meet the needs of our listening audience with a unique Genesis … Read More

Foreign Language Translations

  Dr. Gene Getz’s reputation as a prolific author of Christian books is a matter of record. Also noteworthy is the fact that of the more than sixty books that he has authored, many have been translated into foreign languages. They include, in alphabetical order, the following languages and dialects: Afrikaans Albanian Arabic Bulgarian Burmese (Falam-Chin dialect) Chinese (traditional) Croatian … Read More

Demonstrating Grace

Showing Grace

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Pride vs. Humility

God and Bad Directions

By Gene A. Getz Over the years I’ve met people who have done some very stupid things. They know it, others know it—and yet they won’t admit it. Somehow they believe they can avoid detection by ignoring reality—or making another foolish decision. Sorry! Didn’t mean to get too personal. Actually, I could share a few stories on myself.What I’m illustrating … Read More