Be an Encourager

Many years ago Dr. Howard Hendricks invited me to join him as an associate professor at Dallas Theological Seminary. This experience opened the door to explore with my students indepth what God wants the church to be! Consequently, I eventually became a church planting pastor.
A number of years later, my wife and I invited Professor Hendricks and his wife, Jean, to have dinner with us! My sole purpose was just to say thank you for giving me the opportunity and freedom to lead my students on a great adventure–taking a fresh look at God’s plan for the church. It changed my life!

However, you’ll be amazed at what happened! That meeting gave me an opportunity to encourage my professor friend in a way I had not planned. There’s more to that story–which I shared recently while doing one of my Life Essentials Study Bible videos. Please check out what I shared below! You’ll be surprised–and I’m sure you’ll be encouraged to be an encourager!

17 Comments on “Be an Encourager”

  1. Thank you for all you have done to change the way we’re hold our church meeting. I joined FBCN Plano about 23 years ago. You’re wisdom and gentle grace have always inspired me. I can always hear your voice when reading your words and now listen with the life essentials bible. Thank you and God bless you. Vincent

  2. I am 62 years old and, through your outstanding work, am really learning the Bible for the first time. Your life work is having a positive impact in my life and I just wanted to thank you. You have touched my heart and mind and are helping me to shape and further strengthen my relationship with God. I wish you good health as you continue your life journey.

  3. Thank you Mr Getz for your wonderful work on the Life essentials study bible. I will endeavor to know God. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for your hard work on putting together the Life Essentials Study Bible. It has helped me so much. May God Bless You Richly!

  4. I just now see the possibility of leaving a reply, here in the app. For years now, my wife and I almost every morning listen to the consequent principles as we read through the Bible with Life Essentials. Countless are the number of times it touched our hearts, brought out a tear or what, clarified the meaning and intensified the way we are to understand God. A big thanks! May God bless you and all who are yours! Que Dieu vous bénisse. Jacques-Matthieu et Maudy (France & Netherlands)

  5. Grateful for your faithfulness to God and sharing His life changing Word. May God bless the fruits of your labor to His glory.
    Thank you for teaching and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  6. Mr. Getz this is Mr. Betz! I just purchased The Life Essentials Study Bible and now have downloaded this App. I’m very pumped up to study the Bible in this multi media way! I too am a fan of Howard Hendricks. I listened to a number of his cassette tapes when I was a brand new Christian in the 1980s. Thank you and God bless.

  7. I praise God for the great job you have done to help people understand the Bible better. I haven’t got a chance of getting a copy for myself. The little I have known about this book the “Life Essentials” has made me like it so much and it can help many people get the truth.
    Iam a student of Christian Ministries at Uganda Christian University Mukono. I feel this book can help me become a better Christian and a preacher of the word. I therefore, request anyone who feels that God has in anyway blessed him or her to donate a copy of the same to me. God has blessed you brother and sister to a blessing to others. Will you kindly be a blessing to me and God’s ministry by donating a physical book to me.
    I will continue praying to God to touch you and make a decision that will impact my life and the lives of others through that book.

    Yours in service
    Byaruhanga Kolio Stephen
    St Peter’s Cathedral- Hoima
    Bunyoro Kitara Diocese

  8. How wonderful it is to see you and hear your voice again! Our years at FBCN were profoundly impacted by your leadership. This Bible and your lessons deepen our understanding and bring back wonderful memories of the time we were blessed to have you as our pastor. Many blessings, Gene! Don and Linda O’Donnell

  9. Dr.Gene Getz. My name is Edwin Trout. I love to go to Estate sales and garage sales looking for Bibles and the tools I need that help me on my journey too know Him ( Jesus my savior) more. And so I stumbled across this Bible and it had all the scan and extra stuff ( your tools) to help me on each passage of scripture Wow I said this is a new tool. I have enjoyed it ever since and I just found the app for my iPhone. Even 40 years of being a child of God I still find new gear (gems) to help on my journey to know Him more. So that being said, I want to say, thank you and love you brother. God put you in my journey for a new purpose. And and Like God said to His disciples and the people who could understand Him, says, “listen to him.”

  10. Thanks Mr doctor Gene getz for your labor in the Lord by putting the word in an understanding manner, I’m able to get the information correctly. May God bless you and favor you more.

  11. “Dr Gene” as my young daughter called you each Sunday as she ran down the aisle to hug you. She could always count on you to be there and to appreciate her shouts “Dr Gene, Dr Gene!” 25 years later and she now is a wife and mother herself teaching her sons about Jesus. Thank you for pouring into our lives so many years ago and now still today through your study Bible.

  12. Gracious Heavenly Father, Hallowed be Thy Name! Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven…

    Father, I lift up Pastor Gene Getz to You this morning.
    Thank You for a Pastor who demonstrates the highest example of perseverance in godliness and faithfulness—exemplifying qualities of purity in the face of temptation, and loyalty to and love for Christ and the Gospel. He knows that Christian ethics and true godliness come not only from the Word of God, but also from the example of pastors who live according to apostolic standards. His quality of life is an illustration of the faith which is absolutely essential in God’s plan for Christian leadership. His faithfulness to Christ (and his wife) can be set forth as a pattern or example for his church to follow in the leadership of the home, marriage and family relationships. Thank You, Father, for a Pastor who does not stray from God’s commands and is a righteous example to follow! I pray that his project to have the Life Essentials Bible in every nation and every language, goes forth. I rebuke Satan from attacking him and his family! I rebuke you and the Lord rebuked you! Take your hands off of Dr. Getz, his family, his co-workers on this project and everyone concerned in Jesus Name! This is God’s plan and you cannot stop it, for God’s Word is true and everything is subject to change by that Word! In the Name of Jesus, I bind the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places who would have an assignment against Pastor Gene or the Life Essentials Bible project! I rebuke and bind all princes that would speak against Pastor Gene and the Life Essentials Bible project! I rebuke and bind all princes that would persecute Pastor Gene and the Life Essentials Bible project, in the Name of Jesus! Jesus, You have cast out the prince of this world and defeated him. Jesus, you spoiled principalities and made an open show of them. I bind the prince of the power of the air in the Name of Jesus! I bind and rebuke Beelezbub, the prince of demons. I bind the principalities and powers in his region, in the Name of Jesus! I command the principalities to come down, in the Name of Jesus! Lord, release Your warrior angels against the demonic princes! Smite the princes as the days of old! Bring the iniquity of every profane prince to an end, and remove the diadem from his head! Lead the princes away spoiled, and overthrow the mighty! Make the nobles like Oreb and Zeeb, and all their princes like Zebah and Zalmunna. Pour contempt upon the demon princes! Cut off the spirits of princes! Bring the princes to nothing! Punish the princes with Your power! In Jesus’ Name! Amen and Amen!!! Thank You, Father! For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever and ever! in Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

  13. Dr. Gene, my study Bible had literally fallen apart and I stored it in a thick bag and began to use a Bible without a study section. My Bible was $60+ and it fell apart in about 6-7 years! I thought that I couldn’t afford a good study Bible. I had a friend that desperately needed a Bible that he could understand and after hours of looking, I kept coming back to yours! When I went to order it, there was a special buy one get one half price! I knew that the Lord wanted me to have that Bible! When it was delivered the next day, I screenshot pages and sent videos to my mom and she desperately wanted one! I surprised her with one the next day and we can not put it down! And, we love your videos, you are so knowledgeable and you have the kindest face, voice and personality! I feel as if I already know you! Thank you for this amazing and wonderful Bible! I keep it in the box so it can’t get messed up! It is truly a gift from God and you are also!

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